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  • 워크캠프 검색·신청

    워크캠프 검색·신청

    지역 / 주제

    Age 19+ / 8
    20-01-13 TO 20-01-25
    전체 설명
    보수 교육
    ● 주요내용

    Global Education Center (GEC) is one of CYA own project established in late 2015 in the purpose of promoting education among children and teenagers through International voluntary service (IVS). GEC has been providing free English courses for children and teenagers of Svay Thhom village and we are building its office, a computer class and library so that we will be able to provide better and various program for needy children and teenagers. Join us make a different in children life.

    Volunteers will involve in different activities which is supervised supervise by project manager. The tasks are;
    - community challenging and mapping : This activity will prepare volunteers for better understanding and getting to know about community
    - teaching English, computer to students of GEC, and organizing reading activity for students
    - participating in construction and gardening activities proposed by project manager.

    ● 위치

    Siem Reap is a city of its famous world heritage, Angkor Wat where 100 of ancient temples built thousand years ago are here. Beside, there are also natural tourist attraction sites such as Kulen national park, Tonle Sap lake and more, that you can visit during your free day.

    Siem Reap International Airport

    ● 숙박

    Volunteer will stay in a share room in the volunteer’s house located in Svay Thom market. three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) per day will be provided. Volunteers are asking to help washing dishes and clean your public area where you are using it.
    Please note that the volunteer’s house is offering special price and discount for volunteer’s food and accommodation plus the land for building GEC center for free.

    ● 언어


    ● 특별 요구사항

    * 현장납부비용 : 220 USD
    [현장납부비 안내]
    본 워크캠프 참가를 위해서는 참가비 외 현장납부비를 현장에서 외화로 직접 납부하셔야 합니다. 자세한 사항은 [국가별 참가비]를 참고해주세요.

    Extra fee: 220 USD

    Cambodian Youth Action (CYA) is a not for profit and we haven't received any funding support from any funding agencies therefore, all participants are required to pay their participation fee. The participation fee is payable by cash upon arrival which is USD 220.00 that will cover; food, accommodation, and project materials and activities.

    ● 중요사항

    [비유럽 워크캠프 안내]
    본 워크캠프는 참가자 간의 문화교류활동 보다는 지역사회 발전과 현지인과의 교류에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 참가가 수가 적을 수는 있으나 지역사회 발전과 현지인과의 교류 측면에 중점을 둔다면 의미 있는 경험이 될 것이며, 다음의 분께 특히 참가를 권장합니다.
    -현지인과의 교류에 관심이 많은 분
    -유동적인 활동 일정에 유연하게 수용할 수 있는 분
    -오픈 마인드로 봉사활동에 적극적으로 참가할 수 있는 분
    -신청 전 아래 페이지를 확인하시기 바랍니다.

    [침낭 구비 안내]
    개인 위생을 위해 침낭을 반드시 준비하시기 바랍니다.

    ● 기타


    Siem Reap is city of world heritages including a very famous Angkor Wat. More than a hundred of ancient temples are located in Siem Reap province so you can easily using your free time. GEC is at open space so you can also have fun by interacting with local people, teenagers and children during your free time by organizing different activities so bring your flexibility and creativity.

    ● 참가보고서


    International Workcamp Organization

    이사장 염진수   |   고유번호 : 105-82-65584
    07547 서울시 강서구 양천로 583 우림블루나인 B동 1710호   |   TEL : 02-330-2400   |   FAX : 02-330-2483

    © International Workcamp Organization   All rights reserved.